Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas 2008

What a great time of year! My favorite holiday is Christmas. To celebrate the birth of Jesus and to spend time with family is just wonderful. We traveled for hours to get to Indiana and spend about a week with Nick's family. After that, we traveled several more hours to Iowa to spend about a week there as well. In Indiana, we got to spend some time with our nieces. They are very silly girls and they LOVE to have their picture taken. We took so many pictures and after every click of the button, we would hear, "Can I see it?"

Below is Lindsey, who is still too little to catch onto asking if she can see her picture.

Nick, Jenna and I...Natalie took this picture.

What a bunch of monkeys!!

All three of the girls! Lindsey wasn't too happy about them trying to get her to smile.

Poor Natalie was not feeling well, she found a nice napping place on Uncle Nick's lap.

Our Nephew, Austin, finally got Markio Kart. We can now play online against each other.

Nick's present from Joe. Love it!!

Christmas in Iowa was nice as well. We didn't take quite as many photos because we were busy going here and there and sometimes we forgot the camera. We spent a lot of time watching movies that everyone got for Christmas. We went to Burlington to have Christmas with the cousins and my Aunts on my mom's side. We did Christmas a little different this year. Rather than drawing a name or playing white elephant, we decided to have a family trivia game. We all purchased gift cards and then put them on the table. In order to pick a gift card as a gift, we had to get three questions correct. The questions were about our family and some of them were pretty tough. If we answered a question incorrectly, we would get negative points. So if we didn't want to answer the question in fear of getting a negative point, then we could draw from the challenge bucket and do challenges. It was a lot of fun and my favorite was getting everyone to make a pyramid. And there are all the cousins on my mom's side.

Isaac and Nick playing darts. Watch out! You never know where those darts may go!

DJ & Jonny...looking so serious!