Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 20

Time has flown right by! I can't believe we're almost done with 20 weeks which marks the half way point! Everything is still going great! I went for an appointment this past Monday after Thanksgiving. My doctor's words were, "You're weight is great! You didn't gain anything over the holiday!" Haha...I told her that I just find myself not being able to eat much at all these days. I do believe this was the first Thanksgiving that I didn't have seconds of anything! I could barely eat everything on my plate! I don't mind really and it makes me look forward to Christmas because I know I will be able to keep myself from pigging out.

This past week Baby Fishback grew a lot. I was having growing pains...not so much pain but just discomfort...a few days this week. I could feel my muscles pulling and stretching to make room for the baby. I've heard a few people say that one day they are not showing and they wake up the next morning and then they are showing. I think that was me on Friday morning. I can definitely feel the bump myself but just hadn't been showing much at all. On Friday morning the shirt that I chose to wear was just a little tight around the belly and it stuck out just a little bit above my belly button. I know some of you have asked to see belly pics...I think the time is coming close where you can tell. No pics today, but maybe next week! :)

Nick and I have doing a lot of yard work the past two weekends. We cut down a dead tree in our front yard with help from friends last weekend. However, we didn't get it completely cleaned up. So today, Nick and I spent the afternoon cleaning everything up. I really do dislike yard work but it needed to be done and it now looks so much better!

Some other exciting news...IT SNOWED!!! Yesterday it was forcasted to snow around 2-4 inches. I came to school prepared to have a bunch of crazy, wound up students. Sure enough, around 9:15 it started snowing. The kids went crazy! We took them outside to play in it and they had so much fun catching snowflakes on their tongues. I forgot my good camera at home, but I used my camera phone. It was difficult to see the snow falling on the camera so I got no good pictures. It didn't stick to the ground at all, but it was fun while it lasted. I don't know what's going on with the weather these days. Houston never gets snow...or so we were told. In 2004, it snowed around 3 inches on Christmas Eve. Last year around this time it snowed and actually stuck to the ground. This year it snowed again! I'm thinking these political people may want to reconsider "global warming".

Only 13 more days until we find out what we're going to have!! Nick decided he wants a boy, I really don't care what it is, but I just have this feeling that it's a girl. :) We'll see soon!